
Hong Kong News-Expo is managed by Hong Kong News-Expo Limited, a non-profit making organisation which is supervised by a board of governance to ensure effective resource use. Our exhibitions are admission free, and therefore we welcome donations from individuals and organisations.
Your continued support will contribute to the preservation of the unique cultural heritage of the Hong Kong media and Bridges Street Market, illustrating the significant role of the media and the freedom of information in Hong Kong’s development, as well as strengthening media education for students and the youth of Hong Kong.
Donation Methods (Donations of HK$100 or more to HKNE are tax deductible):
  • By crossed cheque made payable to “Hong Kong News-Expo Limited”
  • Mail cheque to Hong Kong News Expo, 2 Bridges Street, Central (Please write your name、contact number and address at the back of the cheque if an official receipt is required)
If you wish to receive a donation receipt or donate invaluable artifacts to HKNE, please contact our staff at 2205 2233 or
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